Can A Lot Sports activity Injured My Boy or girl?

on Friday, June 21, 2013

Playing sports is good for children. It will help them enjoy their childhood and at the same time improve his physical and social attributes. However, there are some issues on this as people think sports can hurt the kids at some point. The question is, can too much sport hurt your child?

For a sport to be too much, it should be something that already poses dangers to your child not only on the physical level but also mental, social and psychological level. To make sure that you do not go too far, here are some of things you can consider.


First, you need to consider the choice of sport of your children. It does not mean that your child will like basketball if you are a basketball player. You cannot let your children do the sport that you have been doing for many years. They have their own minds and disposition. They need to decide on their own but you will need to support them. Observe your kids and incorporate their interests in the sports that you are going to be introducing. For instance, if your child likes kicking balls, he can try soccer. If your child loves bending and doing stunts, he can try gymnastics. It is your responsibility as a parent to guide your children to their passion - the thing that will make them happy.

Can A Lot Sports activity Injured My Boy or girl?

Second, you need to make sure that the sport will be beneficial to your kids. With this, you need to know the different advantages of doing physical activities. When your kids play, their muscles become stronger and more flexible. Their blood circulation improves therefore their general health, including mental health and metabolism, also improves. Children also learn the value of being a sport - accepting defeat and valuing victory. The benefits will be felt well if the parents will assist their children.

Third, you need to be familiar with the disadvantages of playing sports. You need to know what kind of problems may occur in the future. One of the problems that may occur is physical injuries. Sports involve running and moving a lot. There may be times when you children will trip and fall. You just have to be there for them all the time and do the necessary treatments in case accidents happen. Another common problem is stress. Some children become too stressed when you push them to do something that they do not particularly want. For instance, you might have told your son that you want him to join the competition and get the first place. It will be too much pressure for him especially if he's not into that sport that much.

These are some of the things that you need to consider to ensure that playing sports is still healthy for your children. Always be their guide and inspiration. Never push them to something rather encourage them.

Can A Lot Sports activity Injured My Boy or girl?


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